
  • DZ147A-R1L

    Myoglobin Assay

    Diazyme's Myoglobin Assay is based on latex enhanced immunoturbidimetric method. The assay is formulated in a convenient dual liquid stable format, and it is highly cost effective. Myoglobin is a cardiac biomarker that helps diagnose or rule out hear…

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  • Cardiac Troponin I Assay

    Cardiac Troponin I Assay

    Diazyme's Cardiac Troponin I Assay is a highly sensitive liquid stable latex enhanced immunoturbidimetric test kit, designed to work on most open clinical chemistry analyzers. Diazyme's Troponin I Assay provides rapid reliable results at a low reagen…

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  • Apolipoprotein B (APO-B) Assay

    Apolipoprotein B (APO-B) Assay

    Diazyme's Apo B Assay has a linear range of 3.6 – 240 mg/dL with good correlation with existing FDA approved product with r2 values >0.99. The Diazyme Apo B Assay is not interfered by the following substances at the indicated concentrations:…

    $71.00 - $145.00
  • Apolipoprotein A-I (APO A-1) Assay

    Apolipoprotein A-I (APO A-1) Assay

    Diazyme's Apo A-I Assay kit has a linear range of 1.44 - 250 mg/dL and good correlation with an existing FDA approved product with r2 values >0.98. The Diazyme Apo A-I Assay is not interfered by the following substances at the indicated...

    $71.00 - $145.00
  • Lactoferrin Assay

    Lactoferrin Assay

    The Diazyme fecal Lactoferrin Assay is a particle-enhanced immunoturbidimetric assay. Lactoferrin in the sample binds to specific anti-Lactoferrin antibodies, which is coated on latex particles, and causes agglutination. Product Catalog Number...…

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  • hsCRP Assay

    hsCRP Assay

    The Diazyme High Sensitive C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP) Assay has a linear range of 0.20 - 20 mg/L that extends below the measurement range typical of most conventional CRP assay's. This lower range of measurement may include the evaluation of conditio…

    $128.00 - $280.00
  • Cystatin C Assay

    Cystatin C Assay

    Diazyme's Cystatin C Assay is a convenient cost effective dual liquid stable latex enhanced immunoturbidimetric method. This critically important emerging marker aids in the early detection and diagnosis of renal disease. The assay is highly sensitiv…

    $142.00 - $777.00
  • Lipase Assay

    Lipase Assay

    Diazyme's Lipase Assay provides an extended linear range up to 250 U/L with virtually no interferences from triglyceride 300 mg/dL, hemoglobin 150 mg/dL, and bilirubin up to 20 mg/dL. Diazyme's Lipase Assay has excellent inter-assay and intra-assay..…

    $142.00 - $430.00
  • Liprotein-Lp(a) Assay

    Lipoprotein-Lp(a) Assay

    Diazyme's Lipoprotein (a) is a dual vial, liquid stable reagent system which provides reliable results. The assay method requires only 6 μL of serum sample and is completed in less than 10 minutes. Description Catalog Number Packaging ...

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  • HDL-Cholesterol Assay

    HDL-Cholesterol Assay

    Diazyme's HDL-Cholesterol Assay is a direct dual liquid stable reagent system. Convenient instrument specific packaging options including Roche™ Hitachi 917 series, Beckman AU (400/600/640/680), Beckman Synchron CX, LX and DXC. The assay utiliz…

    $71.00 - $557.00
  • LDL Cholesterol Assay

    LDL Cholesterol Assay

    The assay utilizes Diazyme's proprietary PVSPEGME coupled technology which provides outstanding performance. The assay features a linear range of up to 250 mg/dL, intra and inter %CV values < 5.0 % and less than 10% interference from triglycerides…

    $71.00 - $795.00
  • 5'- Nucleotidase (5'-NT) Assay

    5'- Nucleotidase (5'-NT) Assay

    Diazyme's 5'-Nucleotidase Assay is linear from 0 - 300 U/L (R² >0.99) with intra-assay CV% of < 2% and an inter-assay CV% of ≤ 4%. 5'-Nucleotidase assay is not affected by interfering substances such as serum bilirubin up to 40 mg/dL,..…

    $71.00 - $341.00
  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Assay

    Carbon Dioxide Enzymatic (CO2) Assay

    Diazyme's CO2 Enzymatic Assay is a single vial liquid stable reagent system which has a neutral pH, minimizing the effect of CO2 absorption from the air. In addition to a highly stable NADH analog as a co-factor the reagent maintains integrity by...…

    $51.00 - $160.00
  • Lithium Assay

    Enzymatic Lithium Assay

    Diazyme's Lithium Assay provides a convenient, stable, non-caustic low cost alternative to expensive ISE and highly caustic alkaline Lithium methods. Diazyme's Lithium Assay demonstrates an excellent correlation with ISE methods and offers excellent.…

    $142.00 - $582.00
  • Enzymatic Sodium Assay

    Enzymatic Sodium Assay

    Diazyme's Sodium Assay has good correlation with the ISE method and has a linear method between sodium concentrations of 80 and 180 mmole/L (184 and 414  mg/dL). The assay has CV's% of <2% with a correlation coefficient of 0.98, slope of 1.05…

    $142.00 - $206.00
  • Potassium Assay

    Enzymatic Potassium Assay

    Diazyme's Potassium Assay has an outstanding linearity range from 2.0 mmol/L – 8.0 mmol/L. Diazyme's Potassium Assay offers excellent precision CV% of  <2%. A comparison study showed that the assay has good correlation with existing ISE…

    $142.00 - $237.00
  • Glycated Serum Protein

    Glycated Serum Protein

    Diazyme's enzymatic assay for glycated serum protein provides improved specificity and reliability compared to conventional NBT-based methods. The assay is highly precise with a total CV ≤ 1.3%. The assay offers extensive linearity up to 1354...

    $71.00 - $835.00
  • α-L-Fucosidase (AFU)

    α-L-Fucosidase (AFU)

    The Diazyme AFU Assay is a single reagent, one step method that has a linear range of 0-300 U/L. The reagent is ready-to-use for both manual and automatic chemistry analyzers. The assay is specific for AFU and has no detectable reaction with other...…

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